Privacy Policy and Use of Cookies

The current Privacy Policy and Use of Cookies Notice (henceforth Privacy Policy) contains useful information regarding how and why Homepearl OÜ gathers, processes and shares personal information (data). This Privacy Policy is based on General Data Protection Regulation.

The aim of this Privacy Policy is to protect clients’ privacy in accordance with laws of the Republic of Estonia and European Union legislation.

By using our website, you consent to our use of cookies and terms of processing personal information as described in our Privacy Policy and Use of Cookies Notice.

Valid since May 25, 2018.

1.Gathering and Using Personal Information

’Personal information’ is any information (data) regarding any identified or identifiable natural person; for example, name, address, e-mail address, information regarding use of our webpage, social media channels and our services.

We process personal information in order to fulfill our contractual obligations as well as provide a quality service and information to potential clients.

We gather information from marketing channels (including home page) of Homepearl OÜ regarding the use of these channels and interests of our potential clients, in order to better understand our clients’ interests, provide quality information and improve the functionality and user-friendliness of our home page.

This means the lawful basis of information processing is our justified interest to better understand our clients’ needs and to provide a better service.

For example, Homepearl OÜ processes information regarding client’s buying behaviour with the goal to provide preferred offers and content to the client.

Homepearl OÜ is data controller for personal information and with any enquiries please contact

2.Gathering personal information may take place:

  • While providing contact details (including name, address, phone number, e-mail address) on our home page or elsewhere (e.g., salesroom);
  • Through cookies (including type of browser; type of device; language; the website address from which the user arrived; which pages the user browsed; user’s IP address and traffic details);
  • Through user’s actions in connection with e-mail communication with Homepearl OÜ;
  • Via other personal information that you have made publicly accessible or accessible to us via third party social media networks such as LinkedIn, Facebook, GooglePlus, Instagram etc. As data controller, Homepaerl OÜ does not process unique identifiers.

3.How We Gather Personal Information

In general, we gather personal information directly from clients and with their consent. In addition, we use automatic data collection, including cookies and other tracking devices, to optimize user experience and to provide a better service to our customers.

Cookies and Opting Out

A cookie is a small text file that a web server sends to your web browser and is stored on your hard drive. Cookies enable a browser to remember your preferences such as type size, language preferences, device information, visiting statistics etc.

All browsers as a default setting enable cookies, but browser settings can generally be altered so that the browser disables cookies, disables third party cookies, or informs the user about each cookie.

Homepearl OÜ uses the following cookies:

  • Session cookies (temporary cookies) designed to enable providing services.
  • Permanent cookies (stored on the user’s computer after closing the web browser) that allow for remembering the client’s preferences on Homepearl OÜ webpages.

More specifically, Homepearl OÜ uses:

  • analytics cookies that gather information about how the web page is being used. For example, which pages are visited most frequently or what type of information clients search on the page etc. These cookies do not gather information that would enable to directly identify the user of the web page. This includes, for instance, Google Analytics and Hotjar cookies.
  • Third party cookies, for example YouTube and Google Maps. Location map and videos will not be loaded unless the client has agreed to the Privacy Policy. To technologically enable this, we use the privacy_embeds cookie by Avada.

The user has the right to disable cookies. In this case, the user must change the settings of their web browser.

Instructions on changing the settings on most commonly used web browsers:

When opting to block cookies, the user should be aware that all web page functions may no longer be available to the user.

Sharing Personal Information

Homepearl OÜ does not disclose client’s information outside the European Economic Area (‘The EEA’).

Homepearl OÜ does not share client’s personal information with third parties, except on conditions listed below. All information is used only for communication purposes and to offer a better product/service.

We may disclose your personal information in the following cases:

  • Shipping ordered products – persons, institutions and organizations mediating or providing delivery services.
  • Debt recovery – providers of debt recovery services, payment default registers.
  • Institutions of state supervision and the police.
  • Public feedback with client’s permission.

Data security, Using and Storing Personal Information (Data)

4.Personal Information Security

Safe storage of data is the highest security priority for Homepearl OÜ. We make every effort to avoid unauthorized access, publication and other illegal processing. We protect confidentiality and immunity of personal data and enable access to such data only in accordance with current legislation.

We have put into place reasonable and sufficient administrative measures and technical and physical limitations to protect the information we gather and process. The measures in use depend on the type of personal information and the possible consequences of their publication.

Homepearl OÜ has implemented necessary technical, physical and administrative measures to protect client’s personal information (data) from being lost or illegally processed.

Any personal information that you provide while visiting Homepearl OÜ home page are considered confidential information. The use of encrypted data transmission channel with banks guarantees that client’s personal data and bank particulars are protected.

5.Storage deadlines – how long do we store personal information?

Homepearl OÜ stores personal information only as long as is necessary to achieve the purpose for which the data was collected. Storage deadlines also depend on the need to reply to data subjects’ enquiries, solve problems and meet legal obligations for preserving documents.

Any personal information will be deleted when we no longer require that data and are legally no longer obligated to keep that data.

We may keep using such data for statistical reasons; in this case data will be non-personalised (pseudonyms used) and anonymous.

Please do not hesitate to contact with any enquiries.

6.Client’s (Data Subject’s) Rights

The client has the right to access any personal data about themselves processed by Homepearl OÜ and the right to have any incorrect data amended.

If the client has questions about thir rights or suspects that Homepearl OÜ has violated their rights while processing their personal information (data). The client is urged to contact Homepearl OÜ via e-mail at

7.Data Subject’s Rights

Right of correction – the data subject has the right to have any incorrect personal information related to them corrected without unnecessary delay.

Right of erasure – the data subject has the right to have their personal information erased without unnecessary delay, on case certain additional conditions apply.

In certain cases, the data subject has the right to restrict the processing of their personal information.

The data subject has the right to access personal information the client we keep about the client and that the client has provided; and the right to transfer their data to another data controller if this is technically possible and processing is based on consent or contract and is automatic.

The data subject has the right, based on their specific circumstances, to object at any time to their data being processed, based on relevant provisions, including profile analysis based on these provision.

If provisions do not state otherwise, the data subject has the right that no decisions based on only automatic data processing are taken concerning the data subject and that have legal consequences for the data subject or have significant impact on the data subject.

If the basis of personal information processing is consent of the data subject, the data subject has the right to withdraw this consent at any time, without retroactive effect.

If you wish to pursue any of these rights please contact us.

If you are not satisfied with the solution provided by Homepearl OÜ, you have the right to contact Data Protection Inspectorate or a court.

8.Further Provisions

Homepearl OÜ reserves the right to amend this Privacy Policy and Use of Cookies Notice unilaterally. The latest version of this Privacy Policy is always available on this webpage.

This Privacy Policy is subject to laws of the Republic of Estonia. All disputes or claims relating to policies are resolved by Harju County Court in Tallinn.